Saturday, June 28, 2008

Protein Encyclopedia / Human Protein Database.

Advances in Molecular technology have made data generation much easier, but processing it and interpreting observations are now the major hurdles in science today.Johns Hopkins Institute of Genetic Medicine has compiled the Database of Human Proteins which contains the experimental information about human proteins.Human Proteinpedia contains information on when and where specific proteins are expressed or not, including in cells and tissues from diseases such as cancers. Human Proteinpedia allows any researcher to contribute and edit their data as their research progresses.

Highlights of Proteinpedia ...

Number of contributing labs 71
Number of Experiments 2,695
Protein Entries 15,231
Peptide Identifications 1,851,124
MS/MS Spectra 4,567,235
Protein Expression 138,487
Post-translational modifications 17,108
Protein-protein interactions 31,476
Subcellular localization 2,906

Visit ProteinPedia


Friday, June 27, 2008

Bioinformatics Softwares / Tools - Gene Prediction

Gene prediction / Gene finding softwares:

After sequencing a genome of a organism the next and the most important step is to predict the genes in the genome. Homology Search method (Ex:BLAST)is a very simple and straight forward method to predict genes.

  • GLIMMER - To identify coding regions in microbial DNA.

  • GeneScan - To predict complete gene structures, including exons, introns, promoter and poly-adenylation signals, in genomic sequences

  • GeneMark - For finding genes in bacterial DNA sequences.

  • WebGene
    - Web interface for several coding region recognition programs.