What is bioinformatics ?
It's method to predict the biological outcomes before anyone go for full fledged research. It's a method to compare the biological data. Ex: sequence analysis. It's a way to predict or solve the protein structure.
It's the only way for PERSONALIZED MEDICINE in this post genomic era. It's the method to do comparative genomics and predict the Human homolog genes in other species.
It's the method to annotate the newly sequenced genomes.
How the biological problems can be predicted ?
We are living in the world of Computers. By analyzing the existing biological data using Information Technology we can predict the biological outcomes.
What is the HOTTEST branch of Bioinformaics in this post genomic era ?
Personalized medicine is the most hottest and fastest growing field. Personalized medicine can be achieved through bioinformatics only.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
What is Bioinformatics
Monday, March 31, 2008
Genetic Genealogy or Ancestry
Genetic Genealogy is one of the very interesting and successful commercial field in Bioinformatics and Genetics. Based on the Genetic markers of an individual, researchers came up with an idea to predict the genealogy or ancestry of the individual.
There are two types of Ancestry prediction. One is Maternal and the second one is paternal. Maternal ancestry prediction is based on Mitochondrial Genetic Markers(SNPs). That will tell the story of your ancestors and the migration path they took from Africa. Paternal ancestry prediction is based on Y chromosome STRs.
100,000 Years before the First Human called Eve lived in Africa near Ethiopia. she belongs to the Haplogroup called L0. Descendants of L0 called L3 who are the first people came out of Africa to explore the new world 60,000 years before. First they reached Middle eastern part. Then some of the people came to Europe and Asia. Some of the people belong to Haplogrop A crossed Siberia and reached America 10,000 - 20,000 years before. Genography project has defined the Markers for each haplogroups. There are so many companies for the Ancestry prediction.
Learn More
1. Haplogroups.
2. Maternal Ancestry.
3. Paternal Ancestry.