Sunday, June 29, 2008

ScalaBLAST - For High End genome analysis

Analyzing the whole genome is still a time taking process. A new computational tool developed at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is speeding up our understanding of the machinery of life – bringing us one step closer to curing diseases, finding safer ways to clean the environment and protecting the country against biological threats.

ScalaBLAST is a sophisticated "sequence alignment tool" that can divide the work of analyzing biological data into manageable fragments so large data sets can run on many processors simultaneously. The technology means large-scale problems – such as the analysis of an organism – can be solved in minutes, rather than weeks.

Using ScalaBLAST, researchers can manage the large influx of data resulting from new questions that arise during human genome research. Prior to this new tool, it took researchers 10 days to analyze one organism. Now, researchers can analyze 13 organisms within nine hours, making the time-to-solution hundreds of times faster.

Learn More about ScalaBLAST...


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